MaltaWebShop.Com is a Malta based Online Gift Shop that offers Small Decorative Barrels, Kegs and Casks in Oak Wood for Wine, Spirits and Liquor Ageing and Dispensing.
These functional wooden barrels are highly decorative and made from East European oak wood and available in 2, 3 and 5 litres ( dimensions here ) and come with four brass hoops and in two different overall finishes to which a wooden tap is fitted. These small wooden kegs are natural on their inside and can hold and serve wines, spirits and liquors.
Their wooden taps can be upgraded to metal, stainless steel or brass taps (the latter should only be used for dispensing purposes and not for wine storing) if and as needed.
Delivery within Malta is free!
BM1-RWBR: Style4 - Small cask in oak wood with 4 brass rings and wooden stand.
Natural inside and equally good for wine, vinegar and spirit ageing.
Includes a wooden tap. CURRENTLY OUT OF STOCK
BM1-RWBR2 (2 liter) Price: €104 incl. 18% VAT
BM1-RWBR3 (3 liter) Price: €114 incl. 18% VAT
BM1-RWBR5 (5 liter) Price: €134 incl. 18% VAT
BM1-RWBR: Style4 - Small cask in oak wood with 4 brass rings and wooden stand.
Natural inside and equally good for wine and spirit ageing.
Natural inside and equally good for wine and spirit ageing.
Includes a TBG03 brass tap costing €18.
BM1-RWBR2 (2 liter) Price: €122 incl. 18% VAT
BM1-RWBR3 (3 liter) Price: €132 incl. 18% VAT
BM1-RWBR5 (5 liter) Price: €152 incl.18% VAT
BM1-RWBR: Style4 - Small cask in oak wood with 4 brass rings and wooden stand.
Natural inside and equally good for wine and spirit ageing.
BM1-RWBR2 (2 liter) Price: €140 incl. 18% VAT
Natural inside and equally good for wine and spirit ageing.
Includes a TSS09 13mm golden plated stainless steel tap costing €36.
BM1-RWBR3 (3 liter) Price: €150 incl.18% VAT
BM1-RWBR5 (5 liter) Price: €170 incl. 18% VAT
BM1-MWBR: Style6 - Small cask in oak wood with 4 brass rings and wooden stand.
Natural inside and equally good for wine, vinegar and spirit ageing.
Natural inside and equally good for wine, vinegar and spirit ageing.
Includes a wooden tap. CURRENTLY OUT OF STOCK
BM1-MWBR3 (3 liter) Price: €114 incl. 18% VAT
BM1-MWBR: Style6 - Small cask in oak wood with 4 brass rings and wooden stand.
Natural inside and equally good for wine and spirit ageing
Natural inside and equally good for wine and spirit ageing
Includes a TBG03 brass tap costing €18.
BM1-MWBR3 (3 liter) Price: €132 incl. 18% VAT
BM1-MWBR: Style6 - Small cask in oak wood with 4 brass rings and wooden stand.
Natural inside and equally good for wine and spirit ageing.
Natural inside and equally good for wine and spirit ageing.
Includes a TSS09 13mm golden plated stainless steel tap costing €36.
BM1-MWBR3 (3 liter) Price: €150 incl. 18% VAT

The small oak barrels displayed at displayed at MaltaWebShop.Com is supplied by Renaissance Arts Company Limited, Malta and marketed through MaltaWebShop.Com and occasionally at a few other selected outlets.
A complete water fountain and indoor and outdoor tap selection can be seen at ArtDecoTaps.Com
We accept payment by bank transfer or cash on delivery.
Delivery: By post or otherwise within Malta and Gozo.
Within Malta we can offer a 'see before you decide' option were a
meeting can be arranged to view the item before committing for any
For complete information about ordering, shipping or returns e-mail us at